Friday, March 14, 2008

Please Visit

ermmm....looks like only 4 people who've visited my blog,where are the others?? T_T..I'm so excited to have a blog(it's the first time,so it would be like that),and I wanna post many things here but if there are no visitors,who will read my posts?

So,if you've visited my blog,please tell all your friends about my blog.I'll make sure that I'll post something more interesting than diaries..maybe,some photos of my fav. movies like transformers or something...please do leave comments,I'd like to share my thoughts or suggestions about anything with you..My sister already have lotsa visitors...from spain,uk,us,canada,malaysia,and loads of countries..Yeahh..wonderful..I wonder how her blog became as good as kak sarah's blog...maybe she posted something interesting..

I will follow her steps..


Anonymous said...

weh nazrin,letak ah gamba movies yang popular ke,cite yg baru punyer poster ker...baru lah ko punyer blog ramai visitors..mcm aku,aku ltk banyak gamba harry potter..sekelip mata jehh da b'puloh-puloh visitors yg visit blog aku..kan best~...nnti aku promotes blog ko yer...

TheChosenOne said...

ok....aku akan buat!!!!!!